Posts Tagged: wildlife

News From the Eastons

There’s great news from the Eastons! I’ve been up to visit them a couple times this past week. They’ve been sitting on their second clutch of eggs. They lost the first clutch, I suspect the nest was flooded, but we’ll never know. Let’s see how their doing. (The Eastons are the easternmost of the loon families I follow. My blog has gotten popular enough that I need to protect the loons’ privacy.)

The League of New Hampshire Craftsmen’s Fair kicks off Saturday August 3 and runs through Sunday August 11 at the Mount Sunapee Resort in Sunapee, NH. I’ll have lots of new images, from note cards to 20×30″ wall art. Stop by booth 718 to have a look. All the details about the Fair are on the League’s site,

When I visited the Eastons on July 21, they had a chick and were still sitting on an egg. I returned on July 22 well before dawn and found the same situation.

Common loon
Dad was on the nest and snuggling with the chick.

Common loon sitting on a nest
Mom soon appeared and checked in for shift change. I was watching eagerly when they swapped, but couldn’t see what was going on with the second egg.

Common loon
Dad returned, bringing a fish for the chick.

Common loon sitting on a nest
The chick was eager for breakfast and headed out to meet dad. Watch that first step! Still seeing only the one chick.

male loon feeding his chick near his nest while mom sits on the nest
Dad delivering breakfast while mom looks on. I’m really happy with this image. Does it have sort of a Normal Rockwell feel?

Female loon turning egg in her nest
Mom stood – to turn the egg. You can see it in front of her left leg.

male loon with chick
Dad took the chick about 100 feet from the nest to feed it while mom watched from the nest. Every time dad would dive, mom would sit up and hoot. After a couple dives, she started wailing at dad when he surfaced. Dad dove a few more times, feeding the chick. Each time mom got louder and more strident. Dad started answering back, each wail louder and longer than the last. You didn’t need to speak loon to understand they were squabbling.

Common loon on nest
Dad returned the chick to the nest and everyone quieted down.

I had to head out, hoping the second egg would hatch.

This morning, I headed back, again before dawn.

common loon stretching
While scanning the lake for the family, mom gave a wing stretch, letting me know where they were.

Loon carrying chick on his back
Dad was cruising peacefully, with only one chick showing on his back.

Common loons
For the better part of half an hour, dad kept cruising slowly as mom started feeding the chick.

Common loon with chicks
Only when dad stood to stretch did I see a second chick. Yeah! Both chicks appear healthy – they’re active, feed eagerly and have already grown noticeably.

Common loon feeding chicks
Both parents then got to work bringing food. Here’s dad with a small morsel.

loon feeding chick
And mom trying to deliver a crayfish bigger than the chick’s head. She offered the crayfish to both chicks several times.

common loon feeding chick
Eventually, one of the chicks decided to give it a try.

Common loons feeding chicks
The chick dropped the crayfish several times, with mom retrieving it each time. Here mom has to wait to retrieve it as dad sails by with a fish for the other chick.

loon feeding chick
Crayfish retrieved, the chick gives it another go….

common loon feeding chick
It took some work, but our chick is up to the challenge!

Common loon feeding chick
Success! What’s next mom?

common loon with chicks
Dad headed off down the lake for his breakfast while mom baby sat.

Common loon with chicks
The chicks settled in for a nap on mom’s back.

Common loon carrying chicks on her back
All this eating really tires a chick out, they’re down for a good snooze.

common loon with chicks
After about 20 minutes, the chicks began to stir.

Common loon with chicks
And a good stretch to get going again.

common loon feeding chicks
Dad returned and got to work providing more food.

common loon feeding chicks
Mom joined in, both parents were repeatedly diving and delivering food.

common loon chicks
Both chicks waiting for the next serving.

common loon feeding chick
Dad is back with another fish.

common loon stretching
After many minutes of feeding, mom stopped to stretch.

That was a good time for me to head home. The League Fair will keep me busy the next couple weeks, it may be a time before I can check up on them again.

Checking Up on the Loons, et al

Let’s catch up with the Middletons and the Eastons, I’ve been to visit them – and their pondmates – a couple of times.

Tuesday evening I’ll be at the Loch Lyme Lodge in Lyme, NH to show lots of nature photos and present An Uncommon Look at the Common Loon. For details, timing and prices, see

And the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen’s Fair opens August 3 and runs through August 11. I’m in booth 718. I’ve got lots of new images and favorites from years past. Come on by to have a look. If you’ve never been to the Fair, you’re missing a real show. Besides having some of New England’s best looking photographers, there is amazing work by all sorts of craftsmen, the skill is simply amazing. All the details about the Fair on the League’s site:

The Eastons were receiving visitors when I showed up on July 14. Mom was tending the nest and dad was enjoying a peaceful morning. For a time.

Dad took his time with a through preening, finishing with a nice stretch.

Trouble appeared in the form an intruding loon, a challenger for the pond. Dad went off to set him straight.

After a brief kerfuffle, the intruder decided he’d be better off elsewhere and departed.

Dad took a victory wing stretch and headed back to check on mom still on the nest.

On his way back to the nest, he set a course that brought him very close to my boat, giving me a chance for a headshot. The growth under his bill is likely an abscess, possibly from getting poked with something sharp like a fish fin or fishing hook. It hasn’t changed noticeably in over a year and doesn’t seem to bother him.

Dad checked in on Mom and everything was peaceful when I left.

July 17 was the first day their eggs might have hatched. I went up to see how they were getting on. (They lost their first clutch, likely due to flooding.)

I caught a predawn nest exchange. Here’s dad checking in with mom to see if she wants to end her shift on the nest. She wanted a few more minutes before the exchange.

After a few minutes, mom decided she’d had enough and turned the nest over to dad. Dad climbed aboard and turned the eggs before settling in.

After a few minutes, dad alerted to some threat. This is the posture of a stressed loon – if you’re looking at a nest and see the loon flatten out without your seeing an obvious threat, you may be the threat.

Two intruding loons landed on the pond. Mom went to face them down. She wasted no time displaying how big and tough she was, trying to convince the intruders to go away.

Dad left the nest to join the fray. The loons did the circle dance – swimming around each other, sizing each other up. Loons appear to use the position of their head to communicate. Probably just as well we can’t translate what they’re saying here.

Shortly, there were loons wing rowing in every direction.

After several minutes, the intruders retreated to the far end of the pond. Dad headed back to the nest, mom went out for breakfast.

Dad returned to the nest and reclaimed his spot.

Oops, can’t settle in yet, have to turn the eggs again.

Intruders banished, eggs turned, dad can enjoy his shift. The intruders departed as I has heading to the boat launch.

I went back on July 19 to see if the chicks had hatched.

This time, dad had taken the overnight shift. Here’s mom checking in for the nest exchange. A steady wind came up and seeing we had no chicks, I headed home.

Paddling up the pond, I passed Hank, the great blue heron stretching on some rocks.

On the 20th, I checked in on the Middletons. There was a thick fog when I put in and finding the family was a challenge. Until they swam out of the fog right in front of me.

The last time I visited, I was a bit concerned about the smaller chick. The larger chick had been pecking at him? constantly when he was with the family. The smaller chick had been separating from the family far further than normal at this age. This time, both chicks were traveling with the parents and the sibling rivalry seemed under control.

Mom and dad provided first breakfast for the chicks. This is mom popping up close to my boat with a snack. There’s a fish in all that salad somewhere.
Mom handing off the fish.

After first breakfast, the family headed out to deep water for some preening.

And the chicks have learned to finish preening with a nice stretch.

First breakfast having worn off, the chicks were ready for second breakfasts. Here’s mom wrestling with a sunfish – that’s a fin sticking out of the water on the left of the image.

The sunfish was very uncooperative. Mom struggled more with this fish than any other catch I’ve seen. Here she finally seems to have it under control.

She tried to hand it off to the chicks. But, since the fish was nearly as long as the chicks, it didn’t work. Mom eventually had a big meal for herself.
Mom and dad took the chicks back to shallow water in a cove to let them forage. This time, mom and dad supervised and made the chicks forage on their own.

The chicks are no longer little fluff balls, they’re growing rapidly. They’re roughly 2/3rds adult size.

This is probably the younger chick, he’s? just showing the first signs of losing his down.
The other chick is well along in losing his down.
Here’s dad – you can just barely see the band on his leg – supervising as the chicks forage.
If you sit very quietly, loons will sometimes swim under and around your boat. One of the shots I hope to get with the new GoPro is a loon swimming by the boat. Almost got it here.

This morning, I headed back to check on the Eastons. There were several deer and a nice bull moose out and about. When I arrived it was a very pleasant 56° with a dead calm wind leaving the water with almost perfect mirror reflections. There were just a few whisps of clouds above and it promised to be a great sunrise on the pond.

This doe isn’t afraid of me. Several times, she’s come down to the shore. When she sees me, she doesn’t retreat, she hisses and barks at me.
This moose was at the far end of the pond. I snuck slowly very close to the shore as I tried to get close enough for a photo. Just as I was getting into camera range, a steady wind came up. The moose quickly got my scent and headed into the brush. Need I add that the wind was pushing me away from the boat launch?
I went back to check on the loons. Mom was on the nest. I grounded the boat to watch. What had been a very pleasant morning went south as a thick fog rolled in making things cold and damp. Of course, I was in just a tee, there having been no need for a sweatshirt earlier. Mom was fidgeting more than usual, so I stayed to watch. And waited…. After a time, she raised her left wing – look very closely, the first chick has hatched.
Here’s a very severe crop of the image to show the chick. With the other chick yet to hatch and being cold and miserable I headed in. I’ll try to get out to visit them again in the next couple days.

A wren has claimed one of the boxes on our deck. She’s spending her morning alerting the world that this is her corner and she isn’t to be disturbed. For sheer volume of song per ounce of bird, there can’t be any noisier bird than a wren.

An Update on the Loons’ Ponds

The weather has kept me from getting out the last few days. The Westons should have chicks by now, the Middletons are due momentarily and the Eastons will be on their nest another couple weeks. Let’s see what else has been happening.

The Tenney Memorial Library will host me for my slideshow, An Uncommon Look at the Common Loon on Sunday, June 23, at 2:00 p.m. Free and open to the public.

Before we get to the ponds, take a look at what my game camera caught. This camera was set up in my blind watching one one of the fox dens. Guess I’m glad I took that morning off.

There’s less activity around the ponds. Most songbirds are on their nests or feeding chicks and not out and about to be photographed.

great blue heron perched on a tree
The great blue heron couple has returned to the Easton’s pond. This is the pair that is fairly skittish, but show up to give me two or three great photo ops for the year.
Bull moose feeding in shallow water
The highlight of my recent trips was this bull moose. He’s been in the area for several days. Usually he browses until just before the sun hits him. When he’s in danger of being nicely lit, he retreats to the woods. This time, he spent about 40 minutes browsing in bright sunlight. I may have taken more than one photo…..
Bull moose feeding in shallow water
Nice to see a good-sized bull in sunlight.
common loon sitting on nest
The Eastons have selected a new nest site – last year’s is just above water level this year. They’re in deep shadow all morning, guess I’ll have to get back a couple afternoons.

The resident osprey was interested in fishing in the relatively shallow water near the loons’ nest. The off-duty loon seemed to be moving out of the way for the osprey to dive. Professional courtesy or just not wanting to be nearby when the osprey dove? The osprey finally caught breakfast well down the pond.
Common loon stretching on a foggy morning
A check on the Westons found one loon settled on the nest and the other just hanging around. The highlight of the morning was a couple nice wing stretches.
common loon stretching on a foggy morning
Another nice stretch.
common grackle reflecting on a pond as it forages
It was such a beautiful spring morning, even the grackles looked good.
Common loon stretching  wings
A visit to the Middletons found one loon on the nest, the other lazily cruising the pond, eventually giving a good wing stretch.
Common loon swimming  on a pond
And a nice low-key shot as our loon cruised along the pond.

I’ll be out to check on the chicks as soon as the weather breaks. Check back soon to see how they’re doing.

Peregrine Falcons Have Returned

Peregrine falcons have returned to Vermont and are getting ready to nest. I was able to visit a pair in Caledonia County this morning. They spent some time seemingly discussing their nest site, with one promoting last year’s site, the other agitating for a ledge a couple dozen yards to the north. They interrupted the discussion to head out for a flying courtship display. Unfortunately, the display was out of camera range.

Peregrines were extirpated (locally extinct) in Vermont after the introduction of DDT. The state started a recovery effort in 1975 and the population is increasing again. The last year I could find figures for was 2022, when there were an estimated 60 pairs nesting in Vermont.

Peregrines are thought to be the fastest animal on earth. They can dive in flight. Estimates online range from 200 to 240 mph, without my finding anyone who claims to have actually clocked a flying falcon. But, seeing one dive is indeed impressive and the estimates are believable.

When I arrived before dawn, this bird was on last year’s nest site, the other was about 50 feet to the north on a different ledge. They repeatedly called to each other, seemingly promoting the benefits of each site.
The second bird moved up to a tree more or less over the old site and the discussion continued.
The second bird swooped the first while it was on the old nest, probably the beginning of his courtship display.
Another swoop. Both birds soon flew off to trees to the south where they repeatedly called and answered. After a bit they flew, with one somewhat lazily circling while the other swooped and rolled. Unfortunately, they were too far away for pix.
After the courtship, the both settled in trees for a bit before one headed out, probably for breakfast. After a time, the bird returned to last year’s nesting site and sat for a bit.
Still sitting on the old nest site, the mate was still in the trees to the south.
Time to fly some errands, the bird headed out and off to the east and I headed off to get my errands done.

Loon Chicks at 10 Weeks

Monday morning there were stars above and a thick fog over the river in the valley below. I decided to risk a trip to visit the Eastons. Most of the trip to the pond was slow going through the fog. As I started to climb towards the pond, I rose back above the fog to find a beautiful morning.

Dad was foraging by himself near the boat launch, he paddled in close to hoot softly to me before returning to feasting on crayfish. Mom called a couple times while I was getting the boat in the water. This is the pond where Dad is banded, letting me tell who is who if I can see a leg.

Heading down the pond, I encounter our great blue heron doing some predawn fishing.
And our other heron posing nicely in front of the shadows.

The chicks were keeping mom busy. They’re very demanding, poking and pulling feathers whenever she got near. She didn’t spend much time on the surface, she’d dive quickly when a chick got near. I’m convinced this is why the parents leave the pond before the chicks – they just want some peace.

Mom has just handed off a crayfish that the chick swallowed quickly. The chick started to crowd mom to encourage her to find more.
Just in case mom forgot she has chicks and chicks get hungry, our chick gives her a gentle reminder that it is time to eat.
Mom takes the hint and finds another crayfish.
Mom dives again before the chick can grab some feathers.
Mom is looking good. She surfaces close in, but on the side of the boat where she’s hidden from the chicks.
One of the chicks wanders off on his own and waits for me to look the other way before practicing taking off. They’ll both be practicing, but there’s still a while before they get airborne.
Mom passing by with another crayfish for the chicks.
The crayfish isn’t going to last very long.
Giving a quick head shake after swallowing the crayfish.
Mom serves up yet another crayfish.
Our chick wrangles the crayfish into position.
The chick is trying to swallow this one head first, the crayfish objects.
The crayfish gets a temporary reprieve as the chick spits it out. He’ll flip it around and swallow it tail first.
The chick seems to be pleased with the way that battle turned out.
Mom is inbound with another crayfish, but needs to stop and stretch.
One of our chicks takes a moment to stretch.
Our chicks posing nicely for a pic.
The chicks are still hungry and need to remind mom they’d like to be fed.
Mom comes through with one more crayfish before I had to head out.

Heading back to the boat launch, I pass dad who is lazily paddling along, seemingly enjoying the peace and quiet on this end of the pond.

I was surprised the fog hadn’t shown up on the pond, there’s usually a period where the pond gets foggy as the fog lifts from the valley. Driving back towards home, I discovered why – the fog was still sitting heavy on the river.

Back at the house, the goldfinches have discovered the thistle I left for them.

A small charm of goldfinches are enjoying the thistle as it goes to seed.

Checking in with the Loon Families

With the beautiful weather we had last week, I was out morning and evening every day checking in on all three loon families along with their neighbors. The Forest Service road to the Easton’s pond is now passible so I finally got up to check on them.

A raft of new subscribers joined us this last week. If you found me from the Paradise City show, thanks for stopping by. For the new visitors, to protect the loon families, I don’t publish their location on the web. Not everyone on the web has wildlife’s best interests at heart. The three families I follow are the ‘Eastons,’ on the easternmost pond I frequent, the ‘Westons’ are on the westernmost and the ‘Middletons’ are in the middle.

The first visit to the Eastons was last Tuesday evening. There was a strong wind kicking up the occasional whitecap. On my first lap around the pond, I didn’t spot any loons and last year’s nesting site was untouched. After time, one adult loon appeared, foraging lazily. The chop was too much for photos and the black flies had decided I was the buffet, so I called an early quit and headed home.

Wednesday morning, I headed out to see the Westons.

A broad-winged hawk settled near the boat launch as I was putting in.
It didn’t take long to find a single adult loon foraging and preening out on the pond. The other loon was sitting on their nest.
After a bit, the loons swapped nest duty and the newly released loon had a good stretch before settling in for a nap. I wandered off to see who else was out and about.
Many painted turtles were hauled out around the edge of the marsh and several snapping turtles were floating with their heads and top of their shells out of the water.
Mrs. hooded merganser was out in the clear – rarely do they stay out of the reeds when someone is in sight. She even gave a good stretch before heading off to forage among the lily pads.
Female red-winged blackbirds are sitting on their nests. The males are keeping watch nearby.
Male common yellowthroats are plentiful in the marsh and are happy to announce their presence.
Leaving the pond, I saw something I’ve not seen before; a hawk or raven was dive bombing a kettle of turkey vultures. By the time I pulled over, the corvid was gone – of course.

Wednesday evening, I dropped in on the Middletons. It was well into the 90s. In previous years, the nest was fairly exposed to the afternoon sun and the loon with afternoon nest duty often sat in full sun for a couple hours. I headed over to check on the nest. On my way, the resident osprey took a fish from just a few yards in front of me. Of course, I didn’t see him until he was just a few feet above the water, I had to watch instead of taking photos.

This year the grass has grown up considerably giving them some afternoon shade. But, not enough to keep them from getting hot enough to pant. Loons will pant like dogs do, holding their bill open and breathing quickly to try to cool off.
Our other loon was floating around the pond and eventually gave a stretch. With one loon on the nest and the other just killing time, it was time to see who else was around. Eventually, the loons swapped nest sitting duty and with my binoculars I was able to see two eggs.
Red-eyed vireos are actually very common, but somewhat rare to see – apparently because I’m always looking on the top of the branch…. They spend most of their time high in the tree canopy, you can hear them regularly. This one ventured down almost to eye level briefly to forage. Looks like he’s trying to pull a spider out its hidey hole. He eventually pulled something free and promptly returned upstairs. I encouraged him to take some black flies along, but he declined.

Thursday morning I headed back to visit the Eastons, hoping both had returned. There was no wind, it was a perfect morning just to be out on the water, even better for photos. As I headed down the pond, I quickly spotted a loon sitting on the bank a couple hundred feet from the previous nesting site. Studies of banded loons suggest that if they are successful in hatching chicks in a nesting site, they’ll reuse the site. The literature says the male picks the site, I hoped our male had returned (I want all my critters to live long happy lives before retiring to Boca Raton.) The male on the pond the last few years was banded, I wanted to get a look at their legs.

Our loon on the new nest.
A loon was preening a few hundred feet from the nest and stretched as I went by. I got a good look at her legs, no bands.
Nearby, one of our spotted sandpipers was foraging along the rocks exposed above the water. Checking each rapidly before moving to the next.
Our loon not on duty did a slow tour of the pond. Before heading towards the nest.

The off duty loon wandered over to confer with the loon on the nest. They exchanged hoots, apparently discussing the shift change.
The loon on the nest agreed it was time to hand things off and left the nest.
Free of having to sit, he stretched and then scratched an itch – letting me spot the bands on his legs. Our male is back.
Mom climbed up on the nest and checked on the eggs.
Mom took time to turn both eggs. We think birds turn their eggs to both help distribute nutrients to the developing chick and to keep the chick from adhering to the side of the egg. Mom got them arraigned properly and settled in. I scouted for other wildlife.
Pickings were slim. Merlin claimed there were lots of warblers around, all I could find was common yellowthroats. There was a lone duck foraging along the grass.
Thursday evening I headed back to see the Westons. Their nest is well camouflaged and usually provides good shade. With the temps in the 90s again, the loon on duty was hot and panting.
Hank Heron, or maybe his cousin, Wade, was working through the marsh nearby.
I guess he didn’t like the looks of me, he decided to be elsewhere.
There was an eastern kingbird that was picking perches in beautiful light, I watched him for a time. Kingbird numbers seem to be down on all three ponds this year.

Friday morning, I packed up the Loon Preservation Committee’s nesting sign and headed back to the Eastons.

The loons had company for breakfast, a bull moose was browsing along the edge of the pond. Conditions were good to let me get relatively close, there was a slight wind blowing towards me and I was in deep shadows with him looking up into the sun. I was able to watch him for a time.
After dunking his head under to get a mouthful of underwater plants, he’d give a good shake, scattering water almost as far as a soggy husky can.
Another head shake. Most of the time when I encounter moose in the morning, they’re out before sun up and wander back into the shade before the light hits the pond. This fellow stayed out about 20 minutes after the light reached the pond, then headed back into the woods. I returned my attention to the loons.

Once again, our male had taken the night shift and was on the nest waiting to be relived.
When he was relived, I waited for the stretch.
He cooperated nicely and found a spot with beautiful light. I set out their nest sign and headed home for a much needed nap.

We’re Expecting!

The weather kept me from visiting the loons for several days. I was out to see the Middletons last Thursday, May 18. I didn’t get back until last evening. And I had a chance to visit the Westons this morning. Let’s see how they’re doing.

I’ll be at the Paradise City Art Show in Northampton, MA this coming weekend. Stop by and say hello. I’ll have lots of prints, from small to large, and note cards with lots of critters. All the show details here.

Last Thursday was another chilly morning, with a little bit of fog on the water.

I hit the water well before dawn, ready to make some nice images. The loons slept in.
Eventually, the loons woke and continued their exploration of alternate nesting sites. The looked at three sites, with both loons climbing out of the water and sitting a couple minutes on the site. The literature says the male picks the site, but these two were discussing it at length. Maybe the male picks the site like I’m picking the colors for repainting our kitchen?
The spotted sandpipers were out foraging along the water’s edge and on downed trees.
This eastern phoebe stopped by to feed off of the many black flies that I’d attracted.
Eventually our loons headed back to last year’s nesting site. One crawled out and sat and fidgeted long enough that I hoped we had an egg. No such luck.
Still thinking about it….
All this thinking must have been exhausting, they tucked in for a nap.
Our great egret was flying about.
And a few Canada geese returned from their errands. This one looks little surprised to see the water coming up at him so fast.

I returned yesterday evening, much to the delight of the black flies.

When I arrived, there was a loon on last year’s nesting site, with the other one floating nearby, hooting softly.
The loon on the water wandered off to feed and preen.
I went exploring the marsh. This gander was giving me a look. I suspect he was plotting my demise….
The red-winged black birds were very active, with females hauling nesting material and everyone feeding on bugs.
The loon not on nest duty returned to the nest four time through the evening. They didn’t exchange nest duty, but they had a conversation with lots of soft hooting.

This morning I headed off to check in on the Westons. It became a beautiful morning after a chilly 38° start, with lots of nice fog on the water. The last few years, the Westons have been about a week behind the Middletons in mating and nesting. They must have a new calendar this year.

One of the Westons was out slowly cruising in the fog when I arrived.
Our geese were commuting to and fro on the pond. I could hear them long before I could see them through the fog.
A pair of wood duck drakes were looking sharp, even in the fog.
The loon not on nest duty took time to preen in the cove where the nest is.
A pair of geese ventured too close to the nest. The preening loon dove. The geese saw him coming and decided they would prefer to be somewhere else right about now.
Geese vanquished, preening was completed and we got a nice stretch.
I hadn’t spotted the nest yet. While I was watching the loon not on duty stretch, a second loon surfaced close by and gave a stretch.
They both took time to preen.
And finishing up with another nice stretch.
One of the loons returned to the nest. Again, I’m shooting with a 600mm lens and cropping the image. Please give nesting loons lots of room.

This handsome fellow was out celebrating World Turtle Day today. As good a reason to go wild as any!

It will be next week before I get a chance to get back to check on them. I’ll let you know what I find. Enjoy the holiday weekend and please remember the U.S. military personnel who gave their lives to protect us

Unexpected Action on the Middleton’s Pond

The forecast for this morning called for rain. I happily planned to sleep in. Owing two huskies often thwarts such plans. When I let them out, there were stars to be seen. There was a thick fog over the Connecticut River, but clear skies above. The Middleton’s – the loons that live on the pond between the other two ponds – pond is a few hundred feet above the Connecticut. Hoping for some mood shots, I packed up and headed out.

The pond had a moderate fog and flat water. I had guessed correctly.
There was no shortage of Canada geese on the pond. I noticed nine nests while I was exploring.

It didn’t take long to find the loons, they were in one of their favorite coves. And sleeping in.
And they continued to sleep in….
After a time, they began to stir. They both did a very quick preen and stretched their legs.
Before giving a good wing stretch to get things going.
Loons on this pond have often nested in this cove. Two years ago, they relocated the nest. This morning, they took a quick tour around the old nest site, poking into the brush and hooting to each other.

When loons are courting, they’ll swim quickly along side each other, softly hooting to each other, and they’ll make synchronized dives. This morning, our pair made a quick courting display before heading off to breakfast.

With the loons off having breakfast, I spent some time exploring the marsh. Warblers are back, the pond was surrounded by yellow-rumped warblers and common yellowthroats. I saw a black & white warbler – briefly. And, the spider webs were covered in dew and standing out. Before I could concentrate on photographing warblers, bigger things were afoot.
A bald eagle that had been sitting out of my sight dove on the pond, coming up empty. I wasn’t quick enough to get the camera around for the dive. He? landed in a tree overlooking the pond and I settled in to wait for the next dive.
The osprey on the pond have returned to their nest and were not in the mood to welcome an eagle.
One of the osprey came in and dove at the sitting eagle.
The osprey came in close to the eagle. I’m glad I wasn’t on the business end of the talons.
The osprey pulled up and came around again.
The eagle was standing higher and calling louder this time. That didn’t discourage the osprey.
The osprey made five dives at the eagle. The eagle held his ground. The osprey headed down the pond towards the nest.
Having proved he could hold his ground (hold his tree?), the eagle sat for a time before flying off to a new perch – out of sight of the osprey. He eventually came back, dove for a fish and missed. Settling in a new tree, the osprey started in on him again.

The loons would be rooting for the osprey. Osprey’s diet is almost exclusively fish, they leave the loons alone, while eagles are a very real threat to loon families.

My luck with the weather ran out. A few raindrops remined me that the huskies needed their morning run. I had the boat packed up and was pulling out of the parking spot when the rain hit. The huskies enjoyed romping in the mud when they got their run.

Another Visit With The Loons

This morning provided better weather for visiting the loons than Friday. I headed out before dawn to see what they were up to. The chicks were ten weeks old this weekend. They’re mostly foraging for themselves now, they can make prolonged dives. But they’re still happy to have their parents rustle up a meal for them.

The morning started with both chicks trying to fly. They’re not yet ready. They give a good try, running across the water trying to gain enough speed to lift off. They still need to grow their flight feathers a bit more before they can takeoff. Soon. Very soon….
Here’s our other chick giving flying a try.
Great form, just not enough lift to get him airborne.
Most attempts to take off are followed by a stretch.
Or, maybe, they’re just taking a bow.
Once again, breakfast was primarily crayfish. I think this is dad inbound with one for the chicks.
Here’s another crayfish for one of the chicks.
The chicks have gotten very good at taking the handoff from their parents, they rarely fumble the food, something they did often when younger.
After feeding, the chicks took a quick nap.
One of our chicks doing a foot wave. I’m not sure why they do this. I’ve heard it suggested that it is to cool their legs and feet. But, water is a better conductor for heat, so I’m skeptical of that explanation. I wonder if it is just a way to stretch their legs.
And each chick gave a good stretch after waking up.
A stretch with a shake of the head.

Know an organization in need of programs? I’ve got several PowerPoint shows, one on the surviving steam locomotives in the US, visiting the puffins on Machias Seal Island, one on getting started with wildlife photography and one on loons. For educators, I’ve got a program about career opportunities in photography. Email for more info.

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