Posts Tagged: common loons

Checking in with the Loon Families

With the beautiful weather we had last week, I was out morning and evening every day checking in on all three loon families along with their neighbors. The Forest Service road to the Easton’s pond is now passible so I finally got up to check on them.

A raft of new subscribers joined us this last week. If you found me from the Paradise City show, thanks for stopping by. For the new visitors, to protect the loon families, I don’t publish their location on the web. Not everyone on the web has wildlife’s best interests at heart. The three families I follow are the ‘Eastons,’ on the easternmost pond I frequent, the ‘Westons’ are on the westernmost and the ‘Middletons’ are in the middle.

The first visit to the Eastons was last Tuesday evening. There was a strong wind kicking up the occasional whitecap. On my first lap around the pond, I didn’t spot any loons and last year’s nesting site was untouched. After time, one adult loon appeared, foraging lazily. The chop was too much for photos and the black flies had decided I was the buffet, so I called an early quit and headed home.

Wednesday morning, I headed out to see the Westons.

A broad-winged hawk settled near the boat launch as I was putting in.
It didn’t take long to find a single adult loon foraging and preening out on the pond. The other loon was sitting on their nest.
After a bit, the loons swapped nest duty and the newly released loon had a good stretch before settling in for a nap. I wandered off to see who else was out and about.
Many painted turtles were hauled out around the edge of the marsh and several snapping turtles were floating with their heads and top of their shells out of the water.
Mrs. hooded merganser was out in the clear – rarely do they stay out of the reeds when someone is in sight. She even gave a good stretch before heading off to forage among the lily pads.
Female red-winged blackbirds are sitting on their nests. The males are keeping watch nearby.
Male common yellowthroats are plentiful in the marsh and are happy to announce their presence.
Leaving the pond, I saw something I’ve not seen before; a hawk or raven was dive bombing a kettle of turkey vultures. By the time I pulled over, the corvid was gone – of course.

Wednesday evening, I dropped in on the Middletons. It was well into the 90s. In previous years, the nest was fairly exposed to the afternoon sun and the loon with afternoon nest duty often sat in full sun for a couple hours. I headed over to check on the nest. On my way, the resident osprey took a fish from just a few yards in front of me. Of course, I didn’t see him until he was just a few feet above the water, I had to watch instead of taking photos.

This year the grass has grown up considerably giving them some afternoon shade. But, not enough to keep them from getting hot enough to pant. Loons will pant like dogs do, holding their bill open and breathing quickly to try to cool off.
Our other loon was floating around the pond and eventually gave a stretch. With one loon on the nest and the other just killing time, it was time to see who else was around. Eventually, the loons swapped nest sitting duty and with my binoculars I was able to see two eggs.
Red-eyed vireos are actually very common, but somewhat rare to see – apparently because I’m always looking on the top of the branch…. They spend most of their time high in the tree canopy, you can hear them regularly. This one ventured down almost to eye level briefly to forage. Looks like he’s trying to pull a spider out its hidey hole. He eventually pulled something free and promptly returned upstairs. I encouraged him to take some black flies along, but he declined.

Thursday morning I headed back to visit the Eastons, hoping both had returned. There was no wind, it was a perfect morning just to be out on the water, even better for photos. As I headed down the pond, I quickly spotted a loon sitting on the bank a couple hundred feet from the previous nesting site. Studies of banded loons suggest that if they are successful in hatching chicks in a nesting site, they’ll reuse the site. The literature says the male picks the site, I hoped our male had returned (I want all my critters to live long happy lives before retiring to Boca Raton.) The male on the pond the last few years was banded, I wanted to get a look at their legs.

Our loon on the new nest.
A loon was preening a few hundred feet from the nest and stretched as I went by. I got a good look at her legs, no bands.
Nearby, one of our spotted sandpipers was foraging along the rocks exposed above the water. Checking each rapidly before moving to the next.
Our loon not on duty did a slow tour of the pond. Before heading towards the nest.

The off duty loon wandered over to confer with the loon on the nest. They exchanged hoots, apparently discussing the shift change.
The loon on the nest agreed it was time to hand things off and left the nest.
Free of having to sit, he stretched and then scratched an itch – letting me spot the bands on his legs. Our male is back.
Mom climbed up on the nest and checked on the eggs.
Mom took time to turn both eggs. We think birds turn their eggs to both help distribute nutrients to the developing chick and to keep the chick from adhering to the side of the egg. Mom got them arraigned properly and settled in. I scouted for other wildlife.
Pickings were slim. Merlin claimed there were lots of warblers around, all I could find was common yellowthroats. There was a lone duck foraging along the grass.
Thursday evening I headed back to see the Westons. Their nest is well camouflaged and usually provides good shade. With the temps in the 90s again, the loon on duty was hot and panting.
Hank Heron, or maybe his cousin, Wade, was working through the marsh nearby.
I guess he didn’t like the looks of me, he decided to be elsewhere.
There was an eastern kingbird that was picking perches in beautiful light, I watched him for a time. Kingbird numbers seem to be down on all three ponds this year.

Friday morning, I packed up the Loon Preservation Committee’s nesting sign and headed back to the Eastons.

The loons had company for breakfast, a bull moose was browsing along the edge of the pond. Conditions were good to let me get relatively close, there was a slight wind blowing towards me and I was in deep shadows with him looking up into the sun. I was able to watch him for a time.
After dunking his head under to get a mouthful of underwater plants, he’d give a good shake, scattering water almost as far as a soggy husky can.
Another head shake. Most of the time when I encounter moose in the morning, they’re out before sun up and wander back into the shade before the light hits the pond. This fellow stayed out about 20 minutes after the light reached the pond, then headed back into the woods. I returned my attention to the loons.

Once again, our male had taken the night shift and was on the nest waiting to be relived.
When he was relived, I waited for the stretch.
He cooperated nicely and found a spot with beautiful light. I set out their nest sign and headed home for a much needed nap.

We’re Expecting!

The weather kept me from visiting the loons for several days. I was out to see the Middletons last Thursday, May 18. I didn’t get back until last evening. And I had a chance to visit the Westons this morning. Let’s see how they’re doing.

I’ll be at the Paradise City Art Show in Northampton, MA this coming weekend. Stop by and say hello. I’ll have lots of prints, from small to large, and note cards with lots of critters. All the show details here.

Last Thursday was another chilly morning, with a little bit of fog on the water.

I hit the water well before dawn, ready to make some nice images. The loons slept in.
Eventually, the loons woke and continued their exploration of alternate nesting sites. The looked at three sites, with both loons climbing out of the water and sitting a couple minutes on the site. The literature says the male picks the site, but these two were discussing it at length. Maybe the male picks the site like I’m picking the colors for repainting our kitchen?
The spotted sandpipers were out foraging along the water’s edge and on downed trees.
This eastern phoebe stopped by to feed off of the many black flies that I’d attracted.
Eventually our loons headed back to last year’s nesting site. One crawled out and sat and fidgeted long enough that I hoped we had an egg. No such luck.
Still thinking about it….
All this thinking must have been exhausting, they tucked in for a nap.
Our great egret was flying about.
And a few Canada geese returned from their errands. This one looks little surprised to see the water coming up at him so fast.

I returned yesterday evening, much to the delight of the black flies.

When I arrived, there was a loon on last year’s nesting site, with the other one floating nearby, hooting softly.
The loon on the water wandered off to feed and preen.
I went exploring the marsh. This gander was giving me a look. I suspect he was plotting my demise….
The red-winged black birds were very active, with females hauling nesting material and everyone feeding on bugs.
The loon not on nest duty returned to the nest four time through the evening. They didn’t exchange nest duty, but they had a conversation with lots of soft hooting.

This morning I headed off to check in on the Westons. It became a beautiful morning after a chilly 38° start, with lots of nice fog on the water. The last few years, the Westons have been about a week behind the Middletons in mating and nesting. They must have a new calendar this year.

One of the Westons was out slowly cruising in the fog when I arrived.
Our geese were commuting to and fro on the pond. I could hear them long before I could see them through the fog.
A pair of wood duck drakes were looking sharp, even in the fog.
The loon not on nest duty took time to preen in the cove where the nest is.
A pair of geese ventured too close to the nest. The preening loon dove. The geese saw him coming and decided they would prefer to be somewhere else right about now.
Geese vanquished, preening was completed and we got a nice stretch.
I hadn’t spotted the nest yet. While I was watching the loon not on duty stretch, a second loon surfaced close by and gave a stretch.
They both took time to preen.
And finishing up with another nice stretch.
One of the loons returned to the nest. Again, I’m shooting with a 600mm lens and cropping the image. Please give nesting loons lots of room.

This handsome fellow was out celebrating World Turtle Day today. As good a reason to go wild as any!

It will be next week before I get a chance to get back to check on them. I’ll let you know what I find. Enjoy the holiday weekend and please remember the U.S. military personnel who gave their lives to protect us

Catching Up with the Loons

There’s news from the Middletons. The Westons didn’t show any signs of getting on with chicks when I visited. They’re usually about a week behind the Middletons, so that’s not surprising. While I’ve been out every morning and couple afternoons, I fell behind on editing. Finally catching up, here’s a very long post.

A note on photography since we’ve started nesting season. Please respect the loons and give them their space if you photograph them. For these photos, I was working with a 600mm or 800mm lens on a crop body. That’s something like a 24X or 26X scope. To get all of a loon in the frame, I’ve got to be something like 110 feet from the loon and further back to get some of the surroundings. That’s far enough back that the loons pretty much ignore me. And, a good distance for you to maintain..

Winter wasn’t quite ready to go away when I visited the Middletons last Saturday. It was a pleasant 34° when I launched. I found the loons in the cove where they used to nest.

After a quick preen, one of them gave a morning stretch. In years past, I’ve seen them mating on one of lawns along this cove. Soon, the loons were skirting the shoreline, cooing to each other.
Sure enough, soon mom crawled out of the water. Before they could finish the business, dad turned around and headed back out towards the pond. Mom sat on the shore for a couple minutes before she too headed back towards the pond at full steam.
An intruding loon had arrived on the pond. The home team went out to tell him the pond was already taken. They circled each other, sizing each other up.
They progressed to making aggressive dives and circling each other under water. When I gave my slideshow a while ago, someone asked how you can tell if a dive is aggressive. My best answer is the same way you can tell your wife’s mood by the way she closes a door. When loons are foraging, they usually slip gracefully under. When they’re challenging each other, they’ll make a splash.
When they’re circling and sizing each other up, they’ll often display just how large and powerful a loon they really are. By now, I’d lost all sense of who was the home team.
Of course, the other loons all think they’re the biggest and baddest loon and are willing to display to prove it.
The confrontation escalated to one of the males yodeling at another loon. Only males yodel, this was probably the home team male telling an intruding male to leave. After a time, the intruder took the hint and departed. For now.
After the intruder left, the Middletons were able to spend a peaceful morning. They cruised around their pond.
And they practiced just looking fine. I think they’ll pulled it off very well.
No morning is complete without preening and stretching.
Another stretch.
And they retreated back to the cove for a nap.

When I returned on Sunday, it was a balmy 39° when I launched. I could almost feel my fingers as I shot. I suspect the loons mated before I arrived. They seem to mate just around dawn for several days. They were coming out of the cove that they’ve been using when I arrived about dawn. I followed them over to the cove where they’ve nested the last four years.
After a quick scout around the cove, they took time to preen and stretch.
Here’s one of our loons placing some vegetation around the nest.
One loon is inspecting the work on the nest while the other one checks the basement for some good vegetation to add.
The loons tucked in for a nap and I went exploring. I soon found a male pileated woodpecker working on a birch tree.
Pileated woodpeckers are my nemesis bird, photo opportunities are rare. This was one of my better chances. Here, he’s scored a nice beetle.

Tuesday morning found me with some work to do before heading out. Up at 0330 and with it only 30° on the pond, I once again found myself questioning some of my life choices. This time, I was early enough.

The loons got busy making little loons shortly after I arrived.
After the deed, mom approached my boat and give an in my face stretch.
They made a quick inspection of the nest and decided it was in good shape.
They preened and stretched.
The settled in for a morning nap.
Warblers are back. The marsh is busy with common yellowthroats and along the shore were dozens of yellow-rumped warblers and this palm warbler.

Wednesday I went to check on the Westons. Conditions for photography were ideal, every photographer dreams of paddling on a 28° foggy morning.

The loons cooperated in looking great, the images were worth freezing for.
The loons spent the morning foraging and cruising the pond.
The full cast of characters seems to be back in the marsh. There were several sandpipers around, including this spotted sandpiper foraging along the marsh’s edge.
Tree swallows have been back for 10 days or two weeks. Now they’re getting serious about finding mates, calling and fliting about with each other.
Last year, there was a swamp sparrow who always posed nicely at eye level in a a spot with nice morning light. There’s a sparrow there now, I always hope it is the same bird.
And, he treated me to a morning long concert.
This yellow warbler was trying to tell the ladies he’s single and looking.
And the red-winged blackbirds were out looking for the ladies. The female red-winged blackbirds arrived en mass last weekend. The marsh is suddenly full of them.

We should be getting goslings soon. This goose nests right next to the boat launch every year and objects when anyone comes or goes.

Friday morning found the Middletons once again facing off with an intruder.

The intruder was on the pond when I arrived at dawn. The loons were circling each other.
Low-level challenges continued throughout the morning. When I was out of sight, there was a great deal of splashing – probably wing rowing and yodeling before the intruder retreated from the pond.
One of our loons stretching after the intruder leaves. With the excitement over, I went looking to see who else was out and about.
Least, but not last, a handful of least flycatchers were calling in the marsh. This on made a very brief appearance low enough to photograph.
Geese continued their skirmishing. Once one goose invades another’s territory, the whole pond ends up involved. When one of the geese in the original incursion retreats, it inevitably lands in yet another goose’s territory. Which starts a new fight….
I lost track of which goose was which, there were about a dozen geese along this stretch of pond. All squabbling.
Painted turtles are basking. I counted 62 of them around the pond this morning. Snapping turtles are out and about, I spotted several large adults on the surface.
These turtles were hauled out not far from the loon’s nest. It seemed like this loon went over to check them out.
One of the osprey from the pond’s nest has been patrolling over the marsh where the eagle was hanging out last week. One of the pair that was involved in last week’s skirmish with the eagle. The osprey has made at least two low, slow flights over the marsh each morning I’ve been on the pond. This time, he was challenged by a red-winged blackbird.
Before departing, I deployed the Loon Preservation Committee’s nesting sanctuary sign near the loon’s nest.

Loon Chicks Have Hatched

The strong winds over the weekend kept me home – pacing wondering how the loon chicks were doing. This morning, the wind was calm, and when I got to the pond, it was fully five degrees above having to worry about breaking ice while kayaking. I was able to check on two loon families.

First, our bluebirds are back for a second clutch. I’m not going to post daily updates for them this round, just too many things going to keep up with them.

If you’d like to see loons, take a look at the Loon Preservation Committee’s site, they host paddling trips where you visit lakes where they know there are loons with one of their biologists.

All the loon photos are taken with long telephoto lenses and cropped to let me shoot without disturbing the birds.
When I arrived on the pond, I found one adult preening and lazily foraging by itself and couldn’t see anyone on the nest. As I paddled down the pond, I found the second adult still on the nest. But the chicks should have hatched already….

After watching a few minutes, a chick appeared from under a wing….. A little later the second one peek out.

While waiting for the family to leave the nest, the second adult appeared to be hunting ducklings. The loon flattened out like there was a threat , it swam along the brush where a pair of duck families were hiding. The loon would poke into the brush and look around. The mother ducks were not happy.

With the chicks still in the nest, the odds are that one hatched Saturday and the other Sunday. Loons will leave the nest shortly after the second chick hatches. If it is late in the day, they may spend the night on the nest before heading out. The adult on this pond waited for the sun to get almost to the nest before heading out with the chicks.

The adult that had been sitting with the chicks has left the nest and the chicks are getting ready to go.

Loon chicks are voracious. I’ve seen estimates that say a loon family will eat 500 pounds of fish, crayfish and other protein in a season.
The first order of business is to feed the chicks. Both parents will spend many hours feeding the chicks throughout the summer.
The chicks quickly picked up on the way feeding works.

I’m not sure what the parent is offering here. It could be a small crayfish or an insect nymph. Either way, the chicks seemed skeptical. The parent had to present it a few times before a chick took it.

One chick worked up the nerve to try the offering, but promptly dropped it.

The second chick finally took the offering and ate it.

The two chicks on the surface while the parents dive to forage.
One of the parents has just surfaced behind the chicks.

Another delivery of fish as the second parent looks on.
The second adult actually had another meal waiting just below the surface.
The chick settled down and dealt with one feeding at at time.
The loons on this pond last year were partial to feeding crayfish to the chicks. I’m curious if there was an abundant supply of crayfish, a shortage of fish or the parents just had a preference. One of the parents soon presented a crayfish.
The crayfish proved too large for the first chick to handle. The parent tried to give it to the second chick. The second chick couldn’t handle it either and the parent ate the crayfish.
I was able to stop at a second pond before heading home. The loons there had also hatched two chicks. They look to be just a couple days old.
These chicks have mastered riding on the adult’s back.
The second parent brought a fish. This chick has caught on quickly – after dropping the fish, the chick attempted to dive after it.
And, we have to have a stretching shot…..
The chicks pay attention to every move the parents make and will often mirror the adult’s position.

I hope to be able to follow these two families and a third through out the season. To watch them grow, sign up for updates when I add a post.

A Peaceful Morning With The Loons, et al, June 8, 2022

Monday morning was a beautiful spring morning to visit the loons and friends. Provided one doesn’t object to paddling about in 42° weather. Let’s see what I found.

The Adirondack Loon Center is raffling off a Hornbeck Canoe to raise funds for loon preservation in the Adirondacks. Hornbeck boats are beautiful, very light weight boats, worth taking a look.

One of our pair of loons was patrolling the pond and foraging as the sun rose.
A few minutes later, the loon departed on an errand. The pond is surrounded by hills. Often departing loons have to circle the pond to gain enough altitude to clear the hills, giving me an extra change to get in flight shots.
A song sparrow went through his repertoire to greet the morning.
Mr. Oriole was busy hauling groceries to his nest.
A couple mergansers promenaded around the pond.
Even Mrs. Kingfisher was generous enough to hold still for a photo – quite the rare occurrence.
Our loon on nest duty took a break to stretch, preen, forage and nap after a time.
On the surface between foraging dives.
Settled in for a midmorning nap.

More Of The Usual Suspects, May 15, 2022

Last week’s beautiful spring weather let me head out in the kayak six times in various ponds and streams around the area. There is lots of wildlife activity going on, with plenty of photo ops.

A North American porcupine foraging along the water’s edge.

You can follow me on Instagram: or @uppervalleyphotos.

Geese are still raising a ruckus, though they’re beginning to quiet down a bit as they’ve claimed their territories and have eggs or goslings.
Goslings are still sticking very close to their parents.
A wood duck drake showed himself – briefly – before taking flight.
A trio of mallard drakes pose nicely on a log.
But, every family has that one kid that doesn’t want to pose nicely.
Kingbirds are still sorting out who gets what territory and the number of kingbirds has grown greatly in the last week. Dragonflies have started showing up for the spring, giving the kingbirds nice targets for a meal.
This little olive-sided flycatcher is a deceptive one. He repeatedly called ‘quick, free beer!’ But, not only did he refuse to provide said beer, he refused to dispense beverages of any sort.
I got lucky and noticed a chickadee flying into a hold in a stump at the water’s edge. I got to watch both chickadees as they worked to improve the hole for their nest.
Both chickadees in the pair would fly into the hole and disappear for a few seconds before flying out with some debris they didn’t want in their nest.
A male yellow-bellied sapsucker working his sap line. Sapsuckers bore holes in living trees. They’ll return to the holes to feed on the sap and any insects trapped in the sap.
A swamp sparrow foraging along the shoreline.
There is lots of loon activity on one pond. I think there is a pair that have claimed the lake, but they’ve faced several challengers for the territory. One morning there were eight loons on the pond. So far, I’ll I’ve seen a fairly peaceful dispute. The loons circle each other and occasionally display to try to drive the other loons away. This is enough to settle some loon disputes, other times there can be a fight to the death.
One of the loons displaying.
This is one of the loons that was involved in the territory dispute. It has decided to leave.
One of the loons on the pond came over to have a look at me.
The loon apparently found me not worthy of interest and gave a stretch before heading back to the other loons.
One morning the pair of loons on the pond seemed to be searching for real estate to build their nest. They’ll explore along the shoreline and hummocks in marshy areas. They’ll occasionally poke at the brush, while having a quiet conversation. Eventually, the male will decide on a spot for the nest.
One of the loons with water dripping off his bill after pulling his head out of the water.
What I think is the resident pair of loons on the pond had a peaceful morning foraging on the pond.

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